Oct 30, 2007

Brazilian markets turnaround?

Hot girls attract hot money!!!

1. Recent facts

- 27 firms made their debut on the Sao Paulo exchange,Bovespa, in the first half of the year, surpassing the total number of floats in the whole of 2006. And they keep coming!!!

2. Reasons for turnaround

- Interest rate keeps going down

- Improve corporate governance

- Country financial improved by good housekeeping and the commodities boom

- High interest rate given Brazil a fixed-income culture. Decreased in interest rate makes Brazilian pension funds increase the exposure to equities (16% now)

3. Sustainable?

- recent IPOs have to sign up so-called novo mercado guidelines, which do away with the dual shares classes, over-friendly board members and non-existent protection for minority shareholders

- Brazil's sovereign debt may upgrade to investment grade in the next 18 months

4. Risks

- lots of good companies come to the market, but some bad companies too

- Brazil is more open than many emerging markets and so more vulnerable to hot money (some 70% of the money for the IPOs has come from foreign investors)

Conclusion: Warren Buffet has been buying the Brazilian currency....

Source:"Economists" article "the view from cloud nine"

Oct 28, 2007

Quotations on "Friendship"

"One soul inhabiting two bodies." Aristotle 384-322BC

"A woman can become a man's friend only in the following stages -- first an acquaintance, next a mistress, and only then a friend." Anton Chekhov 1860-1904

"If a man does not make new acquaintance as he advances through life, he will soon find himself left alone. A man, Sir, should keep his friendship in constant repair." Samuel Johnson 1709-84

"Friendship is constant in all other things. Save in the office and affairs of love." William Shakespeare 1564-1616

"Champagne for my real friends, real pain for my sham friends." Francis Bacon 1909-92

"Friendship is one of the most tangible things in a world which offers fewer and fewer supports." Kenneth Branagh 1960-

"To like and dislike the same things, that is indeed true friendship." Sallust 86-35BC

"I do not believe that friends are necessarily the people you like the best, they are merely the people who got there first." Peter Ustinov 1921-2004

Oct 27, 2007




Oct 25, 2007


Louis XIV

名牌的誕生一定要由法國路易十四時代開始說起。在當時國王、貴族等階級存在的時代,他們認為高貴的人要用高級的貨品。因而品牌在當時來說,根本不是認定高級要考慮的問題。法國大革命後,任何有錢人也可穿高級服裝。(革命之前,法律禁示平民穿絲製服裝) 後來富人們為了透過利用服裝與平民區別起來,專門找出色的製衣者訂做服裝。這正是出於炫耀自己,強於他人的心態。




Oct 18, 2007





Oct 17, 2007






Oct 16, 2007

Quotations on "Marriage"

"The chains of marriage are so heavy that it takes two to bear them, and sometimes three." Alexandre Dumas 1824-95

"Marriage isn't a word......it's a sentence!" King Vidor 1895-1982

"The great secret of a successful marriage is to treat all disasters as incidents and none of the incidents as disasters." Harold Nicolson 1886-1968

"Marriage is like life in this ---that it is a field of battle, and not a bed of roses." Robert Louis Stevenson 1850-94

"It doesn't much signify whom one marries, for one is sure to find next morning that it was someone else." Samuel Rogers 1763-1855

"Oh! how many torments lie in the small circle of a wedding-ring!" Colley Cibber 1671-1757

"Marriage is a wonderful invention; but, then again, so is a bicycle repair kit." Billy Connolly 1942-

How to build a nation?

1. Develop an appealing national cuisine
Italy--pasta and pizza
China--dim sum

2. Develop a wine,beer,spirits industry
France--red wine

3. Be recognised for being fair and just
Can't find any on Earth

4. Re-engineer the heavens

5. A good brand travel
Dubai--emirates airlines
Singapore--singapore airline

6. Behave yourself! (polite and well mannered)

7. Go easy on religion
Hong Kong

8. Master infrastruture

9. Build brands people want

10. Invest in athletics

Any country on earth meets all ten requirements?

Source: "Monocle" issue06 SEPTEMBER 2007

Oct 15, 2007


Peter and the Wolf





古典音樂世界其實好像一個滿佈食物的自助餐一樣,依你的口味,慢慢品嚐。以後,如果在大會堂或香港文化中心聽到人說:「乜生,你真有文化呀,來聽古典音樂!」 我相信死鬼莫扎特一定回應說:「我的音樂是獻給普羅大眾欣賞,就是不適合你這一類八婆!」

Oct 14, 2007

Quotations on "Quotation"

Winston Churchill

I love quotations. Reading quotations saves me a lot of time to obtain wisdom. I would like to share some famous quotations here with different subjects.

"It is a good thing for an uneducated man to read books of quotations." Winston Churchill 1874-1965

"I always have a quotation for everything -- it saves original thinking." Dorothy L. Sayes 1893-1957

"Famous remarks are very seldom quoted correctly." Simeon Strunsky 1879-1948

"What a good thing Adam had. When he said a good thing he knew nobody had said it before." Mark Twain 1835-1910

"I know heaps of quotations, so I can always make quite a fair show of knowledge." O. Douglas 1877-1948

Oct 13, 2007

Stanley Kubrick 眼中的演員

The Shining

Stanley Kubrick

最近看了很多有關李安先生對演員的看法,不如看一看另一位大師Stanley Kubrick怎麽說!


Oct 11, 2007

Health check of the Dragon in my dream........

Last night, I had a dream. A doctor was doing a health check for the dragon. So I used this rare opportunity to ask the doctor a few questions. (In the dragon world, there is no such a thing called private issue and the big brother is always watching U!)

HAHAHA: Hi doctor, will the surging inflation affect the health of the dragon?

Doctor: No, not now. Do you remember in 1988 and 1994 the inflation rate soured above 25%. This time the symptom of overheating is not caused by excess demand, as it was in the past. Inflation is only 0.9% excluding food. The dragon also introduced price freeze on oil, electricity and water to curb inflation. Allowing the currency to appreciate can be an effective way to control the price index. This would reduce import prices of food and raw materials.

HAHAHA: How about if the stock market bubble burst?

Doctor: If the market tumbles this year, the effect to his health is only modest. The total value tradable shares is only 35% of GDP compared with 180% in Eagle at its peak in 2000. Less than 20% of total financial assets are in stocks and price fall will have less impact on spending. Growth remains strong even stock price dropped over 55% from 2001 to 2005. So, no problem to his health.

HAHAHA: What if the recession in Eagle place?

Doctor: During 2001 Eagle's recession, Dragon's export growth dropped 25%, but imports also slowed sharply, so the growth is remained strong. Domestic demand is more important. Even without the growth of export, the growth should still be over 9%.

HAHAHA: Is Dragon place running short of cheap labor?

Doctor: Yeah everyone was paid much higher than before but their productivity has risen much faster. Then the unit labor cost becomes much cheaper and this is very good too.

HAHAHA: Wow, it seems to me that the dragon is very healthy......

Doctor: Yeah, at least these two years should be alright. But, great care must be taken. Don't worry, dragon is a very very clever creature and he can make anything happen............

Source:"Economists" article "How fit is the panda?"

Oct 10, 2007












Oct 9, 2007

Can we see the footprints of Mr. Market Bubble?

Recently, a very hot topic in the city is "Are we living under the stock market bubble?" Before that, why don't we look at the past first.

Statistics from:
http://www.webb-site.com "Article: Incredibubble!"

Over the past thirty years, the H.S. index dropped over 30% nine times. But, the nature of the fall was different. In 83, 84, 87 and 89, the bottom reached within few months. Except 87 it was due to global panic crash, the left was all about political reasons. (thanks to the Chinese government again!) Other cases like 73,81,94,97 and 00, part of the stocks were trading at extremely high valuation. It took more than one years to hit the trough, even three years in 2000. Valuation plays a very important role in determining the time of the market to hit the bottom.

Andrew Lok, the UBS Strategist, forecasted 28,000 is the base for 2008 H.S. Index, translating to 2008E pre-exceptional PE of 18.7x, or a 26% premium to the 34-year average of 14.9x. Look at the HSI today, it is already trading near 2008 earning level. I cannot say this is a bubble but the market is already very expensive overall.

Even if you are lucky enough to get a crystal ball which can tell you when the bubble ends, will it help you much to reach financial freedom? I doubt it! Mr. Warren Buffet said when you buy a stock, you are just like running your own company. You need to know the price and value of the company. What determine the value of the company? Earnings, Earnings and Earnings!!!

Stock likes HSBC if priced at 149, it is valued at 2008P/E 10.8x which is very low. On the other hand, if we look at some insurance or property companies in China, they are all trading at very demanding valuation. Just think about if you bought YAHOO! in years 2000 (I did it!!!) and bought HSBC(I didn't do it) at the same time, what are the return? You tell me. I don't want to change my good mood.

So whether the market is in bubble or not, it really doesn't matter. The most important is the price you pay for the company and the value you get. Simple is that. Enjoy the ride of the bubble! Cheers!!!

Oct 8, 2007




